
Monday, December 31, 2012



I am fairly unfamiliar to the blog world, aside from a brief mad stint long ago in 10th grade when everyone went Xanga crazy...anyone else remember that? No? Maybe it was an Ohio thing. (I was in Ohio at the time.) So bear with me here. 

(Get it? Bear with me? I'm so sorry. I get yelled at almost daily for my bad puns.)

At any rate, I am starting this blog to accompany my Youtube channel on beauty (videos coming soon!), as well as add some daily life and (possibly) technology tips for those who are interested. Beauty and technology, you ask? Why that combination? Well, duh. What other fun toys can a gal get obsessed with these days? ...Wait, don't answer that. Get your mind out of the gutter!

I've been looking at makeup tutorials for years and I always find one thing about them that drives me crazy--they all use high-end makeup that most of us simply can't afford, especially with the economy in its current state. Although there are a few makeup gurus that will occasionally feature "drugstore makeup," I feel that it's better to speak directly to my fellow broke divas out there and show you some of the makeup tricks and tips I've picked up over time, along with reviews and a variety of looks for you to try. 

Now and then I'll post some information on fixes for different techie things that I've had to teach myself the hard way, since I couldn't find any information on it, and always caught myself thinking: Now why the hey hasn't someone put this online? 

So here we go! To infinity...and beyond!